on Paul's First and Most Provocative Epistle IS AVAILABLE NOW!
CALLING ALL BIBLE NERDS! 🤓 Our BRAND NEW SELF-PACED Course on Paul's First and Most Provocative Epistle IS AVAILABLE NOW!
What roles do grace, law, and salvation play in the Christian life? How do we live by the Spirit? How do we defend the true Gospel in a world full of false gospels? Our BRAND NEW course, 'Galatians: Defending the Good News of Grace', is designed to bolster your understanding of these essential questions and equip you with the resources to dive DEEP into Paul’s first and most provocative epistle. This is NOT your average Bible study! We examine all the nitty-gritty and nerdy details of theology, history, and application. Don't miss out!
SELF-PACED Course with Dr. Frank Turek
Having the skills to discern the true Gospel from a myriad of false gospels is as useful today as it was in the early church. Christians in Galatia were wrestling with this very issue when Paul wrote a letter defending the good news of the Gospel, the role of God’s law in the Christian life, and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. In this course, we'll unpack the message of Paul’s letter and equip you to spot the difference between a false gospel (a.k.a. Gospel+) and the “Gospel of Grace” in a way that is engaging, entertaining, and FUN!
Are YOU able to answer these timeless questions that are just as important TODAY as they were 2,000 years ago when Paul first addressed them?
You WILL by the end of this course! (and many others)
Dr. Frank Turek has been providing evidence and answering questions from believers and non-believers about the Christian faith for over 20 years. Frank Turek is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author and coauthor of four books: Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Correct, Not Politically Correct and Legislating Morality. As the President of & CrossExamined International, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools and at secular college campuses that often begin hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and David Silverman, president of American Atheists.
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Galatians: Defending the Good News of Grace
Prefer to study with OTHERS and from an INSTRUCTOR? Not to worry!
Click below to learn about the PREMIUM version of this course.
In this course, you will study the book of Galatians, which the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia (modern day Turkey) in the 1st century. Paul was writing to correct some problems those churches were facing by legalists who were undermining the Gospel of grace. The first of those churches was probably a church plant that Paul himself started during his first missionary journey. As you’ll see, Paul answers several pressing questions in this letter. While you do a deep dive of each chapter and verse with Frank, you'll learn that the book itself speaks to some timeless challenges that we still face today.
"Nobody says it like Frank! I don't see how anyone can continue having any confusion about salvation by grace through faith vs. a work-based salvation."
-- Letha B.
In this course, you will study the book of Galatians, which the Apostle Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia (modern day Turkey) in the 1st century. Paul was writing to correct some problems those churches were facing by legalists who were undermining the Gospel of grace. The first of those churches was probably a church plant that Paul himself started during his first missionary journey. As you’ll see, Paul answers several pressing questions in this letter. While you do a deep dive of each chapter and verse with Frank, you'll learn that the book itself speaks to some timeless challenges that we still face today.
Course Curriculum
Lesson 1 - Accursed is Anyone Preaching "Another Gospel"
Lesson 2 - I Dope-Slapped Peter for Reversing the Gospel
Lesson 3 - No One Will Be Justified By the Law
Lesson 4 - Why Does God Approve of You?
Lesson 5- How Was Abraham Saved? By Law or a Promise?
Lesson 6 - Do You Rely on the Law? You're Cursed!
Lesson 7 - Can God Be Bribed?
Lesson 8 - Making Enemies by Telling the Truth!
Lesson 9 - Don't Fall Away From Grace
Lesson 10 - Kicking People Out of Church?
Lesson 11 - How to Be Led by the Spirit & Produce the Fruit of the Spirit
Lesson 12 - Crucifying Our Sinful Natures
Lesson 13 - Are You Living for the Lord's or the World's Approval
"This study was laser-focused and definitely a spiritual scalpel that helped strip away the fluff and surface-level understanding of Galatians. I already had a pretty good understanding of this Pauline Epistle, but Dr. Turek's teaching and our study material took it all to a new, deeper level."
-- Tom S.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do the LIVE Zoom sessions take place for the PREMIUM course?
Tuesdays @ 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific). Each meeting lasts 1 hour. Please click HERE to download the course schedule to see the specific dates of the Zoom sessions.
What type of payments do you accept?
Currently we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and check cards (as long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above) as well as PayPal.
Is my information safe and secure?
In order to ensure security, all payments are processed through or PayPal. These are highly secure and use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.
Can one person enroll in the course and multiple people attend the Zoom session with the student?
Unfortunately, due to copyright, privacy and security issues the answer to this question is NO. We understand the desire to share these awesome sessions in this manner, but each course is a “closed” course. This means that each student enrolled in a course with LIVE recorded sessions, through their enrollment, has given permission for recording of the Zoom sessions for use by the student’s in their enrolled class ONLY and verified that they are not a minor. To remain GDPR compliant and protect privacy and security, we authenticate each student joining our Zoom meetings. This privacy is also sought to create a place where our students get to know the others in their group and feel comfortable in sharing personal thoughts and questions.
Galatians: Defending the Good News of Grace © 2023
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