Private Turnkey Course for Teachers and Group Leaders

Helping you teach your middle schooler THE MOST IMPORTANT THING a child could learn,

that most kids never will!! 🧐

Kids need apologetics too, now more than ever!

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your child apologetics? Of course you are!

In Let's Get Real, Frank Turek (co-author) and Shanda Fulbright immerse their students in reasons to believe truth exists, God exists, miracles are possible, and the NT is reliable.


Kids need apologetics too, now more than ever!

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your child apologetics? Of course you are!

In Let's Get Real, Frank Turek (co-author) and Shanda Fulbright immerse their students in reasons to believe truth exists, God exists, miracles are possible, and the NT is reliable.

Why do extra work when you could be teaching students in just a few days?

Through this popular Christian Apologetics course, we’ll help you make this an incredible educational experience by maximizing your time spent engaging with your students.

Here's how it works....

  • Pre-built, Multi-Media

Fully functioning e-course with a mobile friendly and modern look. Includes classroom videos, written commentary, downloadable cross word puzzles , a toolbox of outside resources, note sheets, outside reading schedule, lesson questions, answers keys, downloadable worksheets.

  • Private Course

Access is limited to only those students you enroll.

  • Customizable

If you wish, you may personalize your course by adding your own introduction, contact information, class details, course schedule, or reading assignments. All these options can be added to YOUR course!

  • Live Q&A with Shanda Fulbright!

For groups of 10 or more, you can schedule one LIVE video session where Shanda will join your class to answer questions.

ENROLL and start teaching!

Teaching children BIBLE stories is easy…

But teaching them how to defend their faith


Not so much!  

For the past 15+ years Dr. Frank Turek has been using his 'I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist' book (co-authored with Dr. Norman Geisler) to teach and develop curriculum for teenagers and adults that provides the evidence for Christianity in a dynamic and engaging way. But there’s never been something that does that for kids.

Until now!

Dr. Frank Turek has teamed up with Shanda Fulbright to create a 12-lesson course that grows kids’ confidence in their Christian faith by helping them investigate all the different types of evidence for it. The goal of this course is to help kids become self-assured that Christianity is true and more than just stories.

Shanda Fulbright - Certified Apologist and Former Public School Teacher

TURNKEY Course for 6-8th Graders

-- Bonnie Inglis (Parent)- Premium 2023

Meet the Teacher

Shanda Fulbright is a former California Public School teacher. She is credentialed with a certification in multiple subjects for grades K-8. Along with her BA from California State University, Fresno, she has a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, a certificate from the CrossExamined Instructor's Academy as well as several certificates from Online Christian Courses.

Shanda is the host of Her Faith Inspires podcast where she takes cultural issues and aligns them to biblical truth. You can read her blogs and find out more about her at Besides her podcast, Shanda has spoken at women’s conferences on the West Coast, as well as seminars for parents on how to teach their children to defend the faith.

She has worked with middle schoolers and upper elementary students for more than 10 years--both in church ministry and the mainstream classroom. Being a teacher in the public school system and mom of three school aged children has only made her more passionate about teaching children the reason for the hope that is within us. She currently resides in South Carolina with her husband and their 3 boys.

Course co-creator Dr. Frank Turek has been providing evidence and answering questions from believers and non-believers about the Christian faith for over 20 years. He is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or co-author of four books: Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism, Hollywood Heroes, and Legislating Morality. As the President of & CrossExamined International Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools and at secular college campuses that are often hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and David Silverman, president of American Atheists.

-- Racheal (Parent)- Premium 2022

Let's Get Real: Examining the Evidence For God


  • 3 Hours of Video Lessons
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • Downloaded Student Activity Sheets
  • Separate Parent's Guide
  • Parent Activity Sheets
  • Answer Keys for Activity Sheets
  • Additional Lesson-Enhancing Videos and Resources
  • LIVE Zoom sessions (PREMIUM course ONLY)
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year

Individual COURSE Price = $99

Already purchased the course for yourself?

  • If you still have enough time left on your personal course access, we can work with you to create a group for you.
  • If your access has or will soon expire, you don't need to re-purchase at full price, you may purchase the turnkey course at the student rate your group qualifies for.
  • For help with either of these situations, please email us directly at
YES! Let's get started
  • 1-5 students $49.50 (50% off each student!)
  • 6-9 students $39.60 (60% off each student!)
  • 10 or more $29.70 (70% off each student!)

Not ready to be an instructor?

Try starting with a self-paced version of this course!

-- Moana (Parent) - Premium 2023

How Does It Work?

In this 12-lesson course, your child will become equipped to not only understand their own faith but to understand it in such a way that they can easily share their newfound understanding with others! They will know that Christianity isn’t just an opinion, but a worldview based on FACTS.

Your child will watch the videos and read the lessons provided. As they watch the videos and read through the lessons, they can answer the questions that follow. You will also receive access to our online PARENT'S GUIDE, which is a separate course area that includes optional questions and activities to discuss with your child so you can encourage them to keep up with the course material using answer keys and vocabulary words.

Your child will watch the videos and read the lessons provided. As they watch the videos and read through the lessons, they can answer the questions that follow. You will also receive access to our online PARENT'S GUIDE, which is a separate course area that includes optional questions and activities to discuss with your child so you can encourage them to keep up with the course material using answer keys and vocabulary words.

PREMIUM COURSE: Your child will also have the unique opportunity to participate in 12 LIVE Zoom Q&A sessions--11 with Shanda + 1 with Shanda and Dr. Frank Turek! And upon successful completion of the course, your child will also receive a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION!

-- Kelly - Self-Paced

Course Curriculum

  • 01

Lesson 1 - What is Truth

  • What is Truth?
  • Truth is Knowable and Unchanging
  • The Truth is Logical
  • Denying Truth Has Consequences
  • 02

Lesson 2 - Does God Exist?

  • Cause and Effect
  • Something from Nothing?
  • The First Cause
  • God is Eternal
  • 03

Lesson 3 - Intelligent Design

  • Evidence for Design
  • What a Wonderful World!
  • Every Design Needs a Designer
  • Creation Testifies That God Exists
  • 04

Lesson 4 -The Origin of Life

  • Messages come from Minds
  • Can Order come from Chaos?
  • Two Causes: Natural or Intelligent?
  • Science Doesn’t Say Anything; Scientists Do!
  • 05

Lesson 5 - What About Evolution?

  • Macroevolution vs Microevolution
  • Animals of the Same Kind
  • The Universe's Birthday
  • Intelligent Design Makes Sense
  • 06

Lesson 6 - Right and Wrong: How do you know?

  • Playing by the Rules
  • Setting the Standard
  • It’s Written on Your Heart
  • God is Good
  • 07

Lesson 7 - Are Miracles Possible?

  • What are Miracles?
  • Natural Revelation and Special Revelation
  • How Does God Communicate?
  • Do Miracles Still Happen Today?
  • 08

Lesson 8 - Is the Bible True?

  • Fact or Fiction?
  • Copies and More Copies!
  • Making History
  • When Was it Written?
  • 09

Lesson 9 - Did the NT Writers tell the Truth?

  • Eyewitness Testimony
  • Embarrassing Moments
  • Jesus’ Demanding Sayings
  • A New Religion
  • 10

Lesson 10 - Evidence the NT is True

  • 6 E's to Remember
  • Excruciating Testimony
  • Expected Testimony
  • Extra-Biblical Testimony
  • 11

Lesson 11 - What Does the Bible Say?

  • Was Jesus Lord, a Liar or a Lunatic?
  • Jesus Claimed to be God
  • Prove It!
  • The Bible Will Outlive Us All
  • 12

Lesson 12 - So What Now?

  • Doubt and Unbelief - What’s the Difference?
  • Got Questions?
  • Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
  • Where Do We Go From Here?

Prefer that your child

learn from the instructor? Not to worry!

Click below to learn about our PREMIUM version

Learn about the PREMIUM version!

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I customize my course?

Interested in personalizing YOUR Private Turnkey Course?   We offer the option to add customization.  You may submit a single pdf file that includes bodies of text, styled HTML content, images and/or external links.  Instructors often opt to add things such as a personal introduction, contact information, class details, course schedule, or reading assignments.

Can I put more than one student under one account?

This premium course is designed so that students get individualized instruction and feedback from the teacher. Because each student will have their own assignments and quizzes, each student must be enrolled under a different email address.

How many students can I teach in my turnkey course?

Up to you! Your preference may be a smaller group or a larger group meeting on different days.

What type of payments do you accept?

Currently we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and check cards (as long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above) as well as PayPal.

Is my personal information safe and secure?

In order to ensure security, all payments are processed through or PayPal. These are highly secure and use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.

Can one person enroll in the course and multiple people attend the Zoom session with the student?

Unfortunately, due to copyright, privacy and security issues the answer to this question is NO. We understand the desire to share these awesome sessions in this manner, but each course is a “closed” course. This means that each student enrolled in a course with LIVE recorded sessions, through their enrollment, has given permission for recording of the Zoom sessions for use by the student’s in their enrolled class ONLY and verified that they are not a minor. To remain GDPR compliant and protect privacy and security, we authenticate each student joining our Zoom meetings. This privacy is also sought to create a place where our students get to know the others in their group and feel comfortable in sharing personal thoughts and questions.

What if I have already purchased the course as a self-paced or premium course?

If you still have enough time left on your personal course access, we can work with you to create a group for you. If your access has or will soon expire, you don't need to re-purchase at full price, you may purchase the turnkey course at the student rate your group qualifies for. For help with either of these situations, please email us directly at

Create your free account and get a


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Prefer using your own STUDENT & TEACHER workbook,

click HERE to learn more!

Still have questions? Looking for more information?

Feel free to give us a call at 1-704-843-0444 or send an email to